
United Way Initiatives and Community Impact

In addition to providing funding and support through a range of local funded partners, United Way of Monongalia and Preston Counties (UWMPC) also conducts a number of initiatives throughout the year that focus on direct community impact. The Community Impact Model is different from the traditional fundraising model in which the UWMPC transitions from a mindset of "What we can do as a fundraising organization?" to what can we do as a Community Problem Solver. Moving forward, we are dedicated to making a difference in the community by identifying the top priorities to effect lasting change.

We want to treat root causes in our community rather than just treating the symptoms, and to do so, we need your help. Consider becoming a donor or volunteer with one of our Current Initiatives or donating to our general campaign where we allocated funding to different programs throughout Monongalia and Preston Counties. 


Current Initiatives

Day of Caring

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

My Free Taxes

Blue and Gold Mine Sale

Holiday Food and Toy Distribution

Helpful Harvest Food Program