Agency Application

Funded Partner applications for 2026-2027 will open January 2026.

Applications for 2025-2026 closed on March 3, 2025. 

What It Means to Be a United Way Funded Partner

Becoming a funded partner with United Way of Monongalia and Preston Counties (UWMPC) means joining a network of nonprofit organizations dedicated to improving lives in our community. As a funded partner, your organization commits to the following:

1. Alignment with United Way’s Mission

  • Programs must align with UWMPC’s focus areas: Health, Education, Financial Stability, and Basic Needs.
  • Must demonstrate a commitment to serving Monongalia and/or Preston Counties.

2. Active Participation in United Way Initiatives

  • Engage in United Way Day of Action and the annual Campaign Kickoff via social media.
  • Promote the partnership through marketing and outreach efforts.
  • Participate in Day of Caring.

3. Accountability and Reporting

  • Submit midterm and final reports detailing program impact, outcomes, and financial stewardship.
  • Use funding as specified in the grant agreement to maximize community benefit.

4. Collaboration and Engagement

  • Attend quarterly Agency Relations meetings to share updates and collaborate with other partners.
  • Work together with other nonprofits to create innovative solutions to local challenges.

5. Ethical and Financial Responsibility

  • Maintain 501(c)(3) nonprofit status in good standing.
  • Adhere to ethical fundraising and financial management practices.

6. Supporting the United Way Campaign

  • Encourage staff, volunteers, and board members to support and advocate for UWMPC.
  • Participate in workplace campaigns and fundraising efforts when possible.
  • Recognize United Way as a funding partner in program materials and public relations.

7. Commitment to Long-Term Community Impact

  • Use funding to create measurable and sustainable change.
  • Adapt and evolve programs based on community needs and feedback.

Application Requirements

United Way of Monongalia and Preston Counties prioritizes funding programs that deliver measurable, lasting impact in the areas of health, education, financial stability, and basic needs. Grants are awarded to programs that drive meaningful change, improve lives, and empower individuals to reach their full potential.


501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations providing services in Monongalia and Preston Counties are eligible to apply for funding. Programs must align with one or more of the following focus areas:

  • Health – Promoting well-being and access to healthcare
  • Education – Supporting learning and skill development
  • Financial stability – Helping individuals achieve economic independence
  • Basic needs – Ensuring access to food, shelter, and other essential services

Evaluation Criteria

Organizational management

  • The nonprofit must have a diverse, engaged board that meets monthly in accordance with its bylaws.
  • The board must provide active oversight, evaluate leadership, and participate in strategic planning.
  • Strong governance structures should be in place to ensure ethical operations, conflict resolution, and equitable workplace policies.

Program impact and accountability

  • Funding decisions are based on the measurable impact of the program, not just the number of individuals served.
  • Programs must demonstrate a clear link between donor investment and tangible improvements in community conditions.
  • Applications should include a well-defined framework with specific performance metrics to track progress and outcomes.

Organizations that can effectively communicate anticipated outcomes and demonstrate their impact will be well-positioned to receive funding.


Some required financial documents will vary depending on revenue.

Audit (Revenue over $500,000) 

  • Required if total revenue is above $500,000 

  • Must submit a full independent audit of financials 

  • Based on IRS Form 990 (or pro forma IRS Form 990) 

  • Covering a period ending no more than 18 months before January 2026 

  • What is an audit? A full audit is a comprehensive examination of an organization's financial records conducted by a certified public accountant (CPA). It provides assurance that financial statements are accurate and comply with accounting standards. 

Audit OR Fiscal Review (Revenue between $250,000 and $500,000) 

  • Required if total revenue is between $250,000 and $500,000 

  • Must submit either: 

  • A full audit (as defined above) OR 

  • A fiscal review 

  • Based on IRS Form 990 (or pro forma IRS Form 990) 

  • Covering a period ending no more than 18 months before January 2026 

  • What is a fiscal review? A fiscal review (or financial review) is a limited examination of an organization's financial statements by a CPA. It is less extensive than an audit but still provides some level of assurance on financial accuracy. It does not involve in-depth testing of transactions like an audit does. 

Certification of Financial Controls (Revenue under $250,000) 

  • Required if total revenue is below $250,000 

  • Must submit a Certification of Financial Controls 

  • Based on IRS Form 990 (or pro forma IRS Form 990) 

  • Covering a period ending no more than 18 months before January 2026 

  • What is a Certification of Financial Controls? This is a written statement from the organization’s leadership (such as the board treasurer or executive director) confirming that internal financial controls are in place to ensure proper management of funds. It typically includes details about how financial transactions are tracked, how funds are safeguarded, and who oversees financial oversight. 

Required of all organizations:

  • For the 2026 application period, the IRS Form 990, or pro Forma IRS Form 990, must be for a period ending on or after June 30, 2024. 
  • An Agency Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2025. 
  • The financial report must be free from material misstatements or modifications.
  • The organization has the appropriate financial solvency by having at least 3 months of operational costs covered.
  • Assets should exceed liabilities.
  • Agency's admin rate is less than 35%.
  • Less than 25% of the organization's funding is requested from the United Way.
  • All financial documents must be final versions. No drafts will be accepted. 
  • Program budget must be included. Template available here – make a copy and download.  

Instructions for Application Access

All applicants are required to have or create an account to complete and submit their application.  Keep your username and password handy so that you can "save a draft" and return to complete your submission.  This username and password will continue to be used for agency reporting and future applications so make sure to keep it somewhere safe.

  • LOGIN HERE (If you already have a username and password)
  • CREATE AN ACCOUNT (New users only - an email will be sent to you)
  • RESET YOUR PASSWORD (if your email has been used previously, you can reset your password)
  • LOGOUT (Be sure to log out once you have saved your draft or submitted your application)

Incomplete applications will not be accepted.  Do not leave any blanks; enter N/A if not applicable.


  • The username should be a generic email address such as  
  • Use a password others in the office can access if necessary.
  • You are required to complete every question on the grant even though no questions are marked as required.  This allows you to move from page to page to complete sections as needed.
  • Remember to be short, clear, and concise. 
  • Do not leave any blanks; enter N/A if not applicable. 

Please contact Community Impact Director Courtney Summers with any questions at