2024-2025 Funded Partners
Funded partners help the United Way advance its mission of enhancing the quality of life in our community by helping those in need. While we fund a variety of initiatives directly, our work wouldn't be complete without funding programs across Monongalia and Preston counties through our Funded Partners. Together, we are able to build a stronger and better community by developing resources and creating partnerships to empower individuals to improve their lives.
When you see the "United Way Funded Partner" logo in these organization's entries, on flyers, and at the bottom of websites, you can trust they've gone through a rigorous "Standards of Accountability" process to become one of our Funded Partners. Find out more about our funding process here.
Funded Food Pantries | Volunteer Opportunities
American Red Cross
Prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and generosity of donors.
Funded Programs: Disaster Cycle Services
Catholic Charities West Virginia
Works to alleviate, prevent and reduce poverty through direct service and programs that provide basic needs and opportunities for improving the well-being for all people in need.
Funded Programs: Preston County Food Pantry
Chestnut Mountain Ranch
Provides a safe haven for boys and families in crisis where boys can experience positive family values while attending school, church and taking part in a variety of activities, all of which encourage constant learning and healthy relationships in a supportive environment.
Funded Programs: Peace Van
Christian Help
Assists residents of Monongalia and Preston counties with emergency financial assistance, food orders, free clothing, household items and kitchenware, resume, interview and job application assistance, as well as a Jobs for Life training program and referrals to additional community resources.
Funded Programs: Emergency Financial Assistance
www.motownchristianhelp.com | 304-296-0221
Community Kitchen Inc.
Operates in downtown Morgantown to provide a nutritional lunch-time meal for the hungry in the community.
Funded Programs: Weekday Lunches and Weekend Backpacks
www.morgantowncommunitykitchen.com | 304-292-3785
Connecting Champions
Provides kids and young adults with cancer a mentor in their field of interest to help them achieve a successful life and career.
Funded Programs: Career Focused Mentorship
connectingchampions.org | 412-206-9710
Food for Preston
Works to secure food, funding, and volunteers for 10 food pantries and the backpack feeding program to fight hunger in Preston County.
Funded Programs: Backpack Program, Food Pantry
www.foodforpreston.org | 304-379-3519
Girl Scouts of Black Diamond Council
Works to secure food, funding, and volunteers for 10 food pantries and the backpack feeding program to fight hunger in Preston County.
Funded Program: GS Leadership Experience
bdgsc.org | 304-345-7722
Lauren's Wish
Helps those struggling with substance use disorder find hope and recover from this disease. Projects include an Addiction Triage Center, as well as plans for a long-term residential addiction treatment program for women.
Funded Programs: Client and Facility Needs, Transportation
laurenswish.org | 304-241-4000
Legal Aid of West Virginia
Helps to ensure fairness in the justice system by providing free assistance to eligible individuals and families facing civil legal issues affecting their health, safety, economic security and other basic needs.
Funded Program: Domestic Violence Assistance Project
Literacy Volunteers
Provides free tutoring for adults to improve their reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Provides community literacy-based clubs/groups and the Ruby Read Mobile Library and more than 20 little libraries.
Funded program: Proliteracy Tutoring Program
Milan Puskar Health Right
Provides access to primary care, medications, mental health, dental, vision and case management services to low-income uninsured or underinsured residents including Medicaid recipients. Also promotes health through direct practice, education and advocacy.
Funded programs: Primary Healthcare, Mental Health
www.mphealthright.org | 304-292-8234
Monongalia County Child Advocacy Center
Provides a child-friendly and safe environment where child abuse victims and their families are interviewed, educated and healed.
Funded Programs: Child Advocacy Program
www.moncocac.org | 304-598-0344
Morgantown Area Meals on Wheels
Prepares and delivers affordable meals to clients in their homes, enabling them to meet their nutrition needs.
Funded Programs: Client Support and Development
www.morgantownwvmow.org | 304-599-1954
Mountaineer Area Robotics
Promotes high school robotics team to enhance interest in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and well-rounded life capabilities.
Funded Programs: MARS STEM, Robot Construction
Morgantown Area Youth Services Project Inc.
Aims to reduce delinquency, substance abuse, and violence among youth and young adults in Mon County, through intervention, education services, and community service.
Funded Programs: Substance Use and Disorder Intervention
https://www.facebook.com/morgantownareayouthserviceproject | 304-284-7321
Mountain Stewardship and Outdoor Leadership School
Focuses on nature awareness, stewardship, and youth-led leadership by offering in-school classes for students at Morgantown Learning Academy and afterschool and summer programs available to all local students.
Funded Programs: Mountain SOL School
mountainsol.org | 304-290-5917
On Eagles' Wings
Uses the therapeutic power of horses to improve and enhance the lives of those with physical, cognitive and psychosocial disabilities.
Funded Programs: Therapeutic Horsemanship
www.oneagleswingswv.org | 304-288-9748
Operation Welcome Home
Helps veterans gain meaningful jobs by removing common barriers to employment and placing them with employers that understand the value of a veteran.
Funded Program: Reintegration, Employment, and Purpose
www.welcomehomewv.org | 304-816-4854
Pace Enterprises
Helps people with disabilities find great jobs and live independent lives by providing job training, placement and support services.
Funded Programs: Job Placement & Retention, Evaluation & Training
www.paceenterprises.org | 304-983-7223
Preston County Workshop
Provides employment evaluations, job training, employment placement, safety training, personal hygiene, and other related services. Also certified by the State of West Virginia as a Community Rehabilitation Center.
Funded Programs: Food Transportation
www.pcsworkshop.com | 304-864-6446
Rape and Domestic Violence Information Center
Provides emergency shelter, counseling, support groups, advocacy, community education and volunteer opportunities confidentially and free of charge. Provides a community-based, comprehensive service that advocates for the equal rights of all individuals to have control of their lives without violence or threat of violence.
Funded Programs: Comfort Packs
rdvic.org | 304-292-5100
Scouting America, Mountaineer Area Council
Serves youth in north-central West Virginia by providing them with programs that build character, provide citizenship training and develop personal fitness.
Funded Programs: Scouting
scouting.org | 304-366-3940
Scott's Run Settlement House
Provides social services to individuals and families in need by offering programs and services that meet the most basic needs.
Funded Programs: Backpack Program
The Shack Neighborhood House
Provides year-round academic enrichment, healthy living, social diversity and recreational programs for area children, teens and families.
Funded Programs: Summer Camp, Junior Volunteer Program, Before and Afterschool
www.the-shack.org | 304-599-5466
Spark! Imagination and Science Center
Inspires children and their grown-ups to learn, discover and grow together through interactive exhibits, special events and educational programs that explore science, engineering, healthy habits and much more.
Funded Programs: Educational Programs
www.sparkwv.org | 304-292-4646
Visiting Homemakers
Provides in-home care for elderly, ill and disabled residents of Monongalia County. Aides provide personal care, light housekeeping, transportation, and respite. Also operates before and after-school programming.
Funded Program: Home Health Aids
www.visitinghomemakerservicewv.org/ | 304-599-7743